Is my money safe?

ERA crypto does not hold your money. You control your wallet. Be sure to store your passwords securely and use multi-factor authentication for your wallets.

Should I use ERA crypto wallet or can I use any wallet?

Today ERA crypto allows Phantom and Solflare wallets. You do not have to register an ERA crypto wallet.

How do I add an offer?

To publish a new offer you should authorize with your Solana wallet and push the "+" button, then submit the form and push "Create". That's it!

When do I pay for my order?

You pay only when you receive your order or when you decide to pay earlier to complete the order. You control your wallet and your money.

What if I do not have enough money for the deal?

If you do not have enough funds in your wallet, ERA crypto will offer you to buy SOL with one of the most stable exchanges in the world.

What is the deal commission?

Each deal has its transaction costs. Today the ERA crypto deal commission is 3 per cent of the deal cost.

Can I have my deals commission reduced?

ERA crypto Token owners enjoy even cheaper deals with 1.5 per cent commission.

Last updated



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